

澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立大学校长将选出以下大学的奖学金提名者 based on academic achievement and service to the college and the community.


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The 阿拉巴马大学 is providing a Presidential Scholarship to an outstanding 从澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院转到UA的学生. 这个UA总统 奖学金包括四个学期的州内学费,前提是学生 遵守他们的管理要求. 该奖学金的当前价值将 随着学费的增加而调整. 


  1. 学生必须获得并毕业于澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立大学的副学士学位 在2023年秋季进入UA之前.
  2. 该学生必须保持至少3分.累积平均绩点5,有45个小时的 完成了课程.
  3. 学生必须被录取并提交转学奖学金申请到UA March 1
  4. The student cannot be a former degree seeking student from UA or any other 4-year institution. 

截止日期:必须交付UA总统转学奖学金申请包 到WSCC财政援助办公室的业务在星期五,2023年2月3日结束.


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该奖学金将提供每学期6000美元,为期四个学期(秋季和春季) only; $12,000 per academic year) and is renewable annually for two years provided 学生保持3.平均绩点0或更高.

在选择候选人时将考虑以下方面:专业程度; 沟通技巧、热情 & 热情,以及帮助其他同学的愿望,  as recipients may be asked to participate in campus events to serve as a transfer UAB代表;.  活动的例子包括:学生座谈会,校园参观,社区 参观大学,UAB转学日.


  1. 学生必须申请并被录取为即将到来的UAB的转学生 秋季学期于3月1日截止.  High school students who are enrolled in a fast-track or dual-enrollment 课程不符合资格.
  2. 学生必须在3月份之前获得至少48个可转换学分 1 deadline.  必须向UAB提供显示秋季成绩的正式成绩单
  3. 学生的平均成绩必须至少达到3分.不允许转学的课程 计算在绩点内).
  4. 学生不能获得任何四年制的学分(课程除外) 高中入学).
  5. 学生不能是以前在UAB攻读学位的学生.
  6. 学生必须是美国学生.S. 公民或永久居民可获此奖项.
  7. 请提交您的UAB总统奖学金申请包,包括 致澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院院长. 维姬·卡罗维克斯,请求 获奖考虑. WSCC成绩单(可接受非官方成绩单). Two letters of reference. Resume- to include activities, community service, work experience, honors and awards.

Deadline: Application packet must be delivered to the WSCC 金融援助 Office by 截止日期为2023年2月3日.



阿拉巴马科技基金会正在寻找大一,大二,大三,大四的学生 and grads that are enrolled in an Alabama university or community college and are 学习任何类型的STEM学位.

不管你在找什么级别的工作(副学士、学士、本科、研究生还是博士) 我们希望你成为我们团队的一员!

在ATF注册的学生将有机会被数百人看到 阿拉巴马州的赞助者. 注册是免费的!


阿拉巴马州科技基金会将向两名学生提供1000美元的奖学金 Ambassadors who recruit the most students from their college or university. They are 并向四(4)名在ATF注册的学生赠送1000美元.

Registration for a chance to win these scholarships ends on September 2. 奖学金 will be presented at the Alabama Business Technology Conference on September 23. Winners 我们会在活动前联系吗.

Linly Heflin奖学金

申请将在网上开始 2023年10月1日 并且可以从 www.linlyheflin.org. The application and supporting documentation, including transcripts, letters of 推荐和收入核实; 必须由 2024年1月10日 deadline. 

Applicants must have significant economic need and sound academic records, and must 是阿拉巴马州居民和美国公民.S. citizens. 一组经过挑选的申请人将接受面试 3月份,获奖者将在4月份选出. 有关政策详情,请浏览 the Linly Heflin网站.


该奖学金仅适用于2022年秋季攻读本科学位的转校生: 转学奖学金是授予转校生的竞争性奖学金 who have completed at least 45 hours of college credit and have a minimum 2.5 GPA. These students must be attending the main campus of Troy University in Troy, AL. Click here to apply.

Scholarship award amount is determined based on your Transfer GPA of 2.5-3.5.

奖:1000 - 4000美元


If you are planning to transfer to a four-year institution, you should research the institution for Admission deadlines and consideration for any Transfer 奖学金. Some universities have information regarding transfer scholarships listed on their website. 大多数的截止日期是1月1日到3月1日. 


The Sallie Mae Fund, in partnership with Thurgood Marshall College Fund, is again 提供高达260 完成梦想奖学金 to help students from underserved communities complete their higher education. Open now; applications will be accepted until all scholarship funds are awarded or 2024年6月28日.

符合条件的学生必须在学年完成他们的课程 2023-2024 at a two-or four-year college, career training, and other post-secondary 教育项目和保持良好的学术地位.

有关更多详细信息和应用程序链接,请访问 完成梦想奖学金计划b|萨莉Mae基金.

View the 奖学金资料单张.


申请和查看资格要求在 http://studentaid.gov


• Morris K. 尤德尔奖学金计划udall.gov
•印度卫生服务奖学金方案www.ihs.gov /奖学金/索引.cfm
•美国国立卫生研究院本科奖学金计划www.training.nih.gov /程序/ ugsp
• Harry S. 杜鲁门奖学金,www.truman.gov
•本杰明·A. 吉尔曼国际奖学金www.iie.org/en/Programs/Gilman-Scholarship-Program


• U.S. 教育部印度教育办公室 www2.ed.gov /澳门威尼斯人APP下载/办公室/ / oese /世界动物卫生组织/索引列表.html


申请和查看资格要求在 http://www.careeronestop.org


申请和查看资格要求在 http://www.fc2sprograms.org


AAMA和阿拉巴马社区学院系统正在联手帮助阿拉巴马人 有兴趣攻读技术教育证书或副学士学位 希望从事与汽车制造行业相关的职业.

Must be a resident of Alabama, High School Senior or College Freshman, Must have a 2.总平均成绩5分,计划在阿拉巴马州从事汽车制造相关的职业。 申请人必须在已批准的奖学金相关项目中申报专业... (read more!)

申请和查看资格要求在 http://dreamitdoitalabama.com


奥尼昂塔市很自豪地宣布我们设立了一项捐赠奖学金 澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院和澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立奥内塔. 教育是基石 我们想确保我们的居民有机会 以实现他们的学术目标.

One, $1,000 scholarship will be awarded per year to an Oneonta resident. To qualify, 你必须住在奥尼昂塔市,平均绩点达到3分.0或更大,写a 500字的短文“为什么教育在奥尼昂塔很重要”.

如欲申请,请浏览 http://www.wsccfuturefoundation.org/scholarships 并在奖学金列表中选择“Oneonta成就奖学金”.



汽车护理女性奖学金项目继续增长. 团体奖学金 funding began with $2,000 back in 2004 and has now expanded to $100,000 annually. 自2004年以来,女性汽车护理协会已经提供了45万美元的奖学金.

In 2021, 53 women were awarded more than $120,000 in cash scholarships as well as 由于我们与NAPA Auto的合作,15个工具包奖学金价值超过51,000美元 Parts. 我们希望这些数字在2022年及以后继续增长!

奖学金获得者被选中 & 由妇女代表通知获奖情况 汽车护理.

申请和查看资格要求在 http://automotivescholarships.com/scholarships/women-in-auto-care


雅典州立大学激动地宣布,学生们将有一个令人兴奋的新机会 planning to major in STEM programs - The ASSIST Scholarship Program.

通过ASSIST,学生可以获得学费、书本费、住宿费等奖学金 运输. In addition, ASSIST will also provide various additional methods of 支持和资源来帮助STEM专业的学生取得成功.

奖励开始于2022年7月,鼓励符合条件的学生申请ASSIST 今天的计划!

申请和查看资格要求在 http://www.athens.edu/academics/arts-and-sciences/assist/


自1984年以来,霍雷肖·阿尔杰协会成员和朋友们资助了以需求为基础的学院 scholarships for low-income youth to pursue their dreams through higher education. So far the Association has awarded more than $193 million to approximately 27,000 students.

The Career & Technical Scholarship Program is funded through the generosity of 霍雷肖·阿尔杰协会成员,吉姆·F. 迪克二世和丹尼斯·华盛顿.  奖学金 are awarded to students who have faced and overcome great obstacles in their lives 谁希望在认可的非牟利专上院校进修职业或技术教育 在美国的机构.


  • Have completed high school (or earned a high school equivalency credential)
  • 至少有一半的课程剩余,毕业日期不早于 May 2023.
  • Cannot be taking pre-requisite courses and must be enrolled in your program
  • 必须在2022年秋季之前注册全日制学生才有资格.
  • 表现出追求和完成职业或技术项目的坚定承诺 在美国认可的非营利性高等教育机构学习2年
  • Demonstrated critical financial need (must be eligible to receive the Federal Pell 补助金(由完成FAFSA决定)
  • 在克服逆境中表现出坚韧不拔的精神
  • 年龄在30岁以下
  • 成为美国公民

Through its many scholarship programs, the Association supports students pursuing 职业和技术证书和学位,学士学位和研究生学习.  

Apply here.

奖学金资助50名高中生和大学生进入汽车制造业 Careers

阿拉巴马州汽车制造商协会和阿拉巴马州社区学院系统 have partnered to provide a total $180,000 in scholarships, as well as mentors, to 50名想要获得技术教育证书或副学士学位的学生 在汽车制造业.

有兴趣的学生至少有2分.5 GPA可以了解更多信息,直接申请 通过网站http://dreamitdoitalabama.com/aama/. 一份完整的提交 scholarship requires the following: a completed application; a maximum 500-word essay on why the student wants to work in Alabama’s automotive industry; one signed reference letter; an unofficial college or high school transcript; and a headshot photo. 查看更多信息并下载应用程序.


全额学费奖学金,为目前的儿童保育专业人员提供机会 获得证书和学位,为阿拉巴马州的孩子提供最好的照顾 year-round.

儿童保育领导奖学金,包括学生的学费和一些费用 获得儿童发展证书所需的费用现在可以在秋季获得, 在该州参与的社区学院和雅典的春季和夏季学期 州立大学.

Qualified students must be currently employed at a childcare center or family and group home, and must be seeking one of the following certifications or degrees: 

  • 儿童发展助理(CDA) 
  • Short-term certificate, certificate, or Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Child 发展/早期护理和教育研究
  • 教育学学士-幼儿教育专业
  • Bachelor of Science in Education – Technical Education: Early Instructor

“Those who work with young children have a special calling and we’re thrilled that this scholarship program has helped so many students earn the credentials they need to better care for Alabama’s children,” said Virginia Frazer, Program Assistant for 儿童保育领袖奖学金. “将奖学金扩大到夏季 semester will allow even more childcare providers the opportunity and flexibility to apply and complete their course of study in early childhood development.”

The scholarships originated in 1999 and are made available through funding from the 人力资源部. 

For additional information, the list of participating colleges, and the Leadership 儿童保育奖学金申请,请浏览: www.accs.edu/childcare



洛克希德·马丁公司的STEM奖学金计划奖励多达200个可再生的10,000美元奖学金 对于攻读工程学、计算机科学、数学和 物理领域! We’re looking for passionate students who demonstrate financial need 来自代表性不足的群体或服务不足的社区. 合格的学生 must be U.S. citizens, and seniors in high school or undergraduate college students (大一,大二,大三). 欲了解更多并申请,请访问 lockheedmartin.com/scholarship. 申请截止日期为2022年4月1日. 


洛克希德·马丁公司的职业奖学金项目将向150名学生提供5000美元的奖学金! We’re 寻找准备从事技术、工程、 和先进的制造业在美国.S. 认可的社区或技术学院. Eligible 学生必须是U。.S. 攻读副学士学位,获得学分证书的公民, 或行业认可的证书. 欲了解更多并申请,请访问 lockheedmartin.com/vocational. 申请截止日期为2022年4月1日. 




这些奖学金不是通过澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立大学、未来基金会或校友提供的. Private donors send scholarship information from their companies and businesses for any students who meet their criteria and are interested in applying. 这些奖学金 资源会定期更新,所以请经常查看!

     Scholarship Amount Deadline
一站式奖学金机会 Various Various
Point BIPOC LGBTQ学生奖学金项目 Various 11/5
床垫帮助奖学金 $1,000 每年9/25
OppU成就奖学金 $2,500 9/30, 12/31, 3/31, 6/30


最高2500美元 12/31/21
AAMA/ACCS“梦想阿拉巴马”汽车制造 $3,600 10/29/21
NISOD学生作文比赛 $1,000 3/11/22
NISOD学生平面设计大赛 $1,000 3/11/22
水印的学者 - For women in STEM programs; Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics $5,000  7/11/21
宠物兽医学生贷款助学金 5000美元/只情感支持动物 12/31/21
下一代暖通空调奖学金 $2,500 12/1/21
抚养权X更改资助基金-单亲奖学金 $500 - $1000 4/30, 8/31, 12/31
洛克希德·马丁STEM奖学金   4/1/2022
地区骑马前进奖学金竞赛 $3,500 - $5,000 3/31/2022


STUDENTS: 学生不应该花钱申请奖学金. 避免奖学金保证.  请勿在申请奖学金时提供任何个人信息(银行账户信息、 信用卡号码等.). 学生可浏览 http://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0082-scholarship-and-financial-aid-scams to learn how to avoid scholarship scams and other free scholarship information.


(256) 352-8182